How to Drug Proof Your Kids® (DPYK)

Who is it for? - This six session course for parents concentrates on the important role a parent can play in steering their children away from harmful alcohol and other drug use. It gives parents the skills and knowledge to help their children to make good choices.

How To Drug Proof Your Kids®

No sessions -                    6 sessions of 2 hours or
                                          3 double sessions (fortnightly on Saturday mornings) of 4 hours

Who is it for -               Parents/Carers of children aged 8 to 14 years old (target age range but      still relevant to older and younger children)

What does it cover -   

1. Parenting through prevention
2. Building a strong foundation
3. Creating integrity and responsibility
4. Communication and participation
5. Creating a safe network and peace of mind
6. Recognition and affirmation

For information, speak to David in the Church Office

Or Email:
or phone us at the Church Office on
01530 587277